Telmatik Emergency Service
Telmatik citizen information and alert platform
The Municipality of the Township of Harrington presents the Telmatik citizen information and alert platform!
This new communication tool allows citizens to receive a variety of information:
- Emergency measures
- General notices
- Interruption of services
This information and emergency messages will be sent to you by:
- SMS (text messaging)
- Automated call including:
- text-to-speech (TTS) reading
- option to leave a message on voicemail
All citizens of the Municipality of the Township of Harrington can register on the Telmatik portal, using the link above or by emailing
Please contact the Municipality in order to inform us of the type of message you would like to receive the information or unsubscribe if you do not wish to receive this information. The contact information will be kept under the civil rights act in order to quickly communicate with our citizens so we can send you information to notify you of any emergency measures.