A look back at the torrential rains

Mayor’s message – August 22nd, 2024

On behalf of the Council, I would like to highlight and thank all those who contributed and participated in the considerable effort made necessary during the torrential rains of August 9th, 2024, and for which a state of emergency was declared. Requiring considerable work with limited resources and personnel, I cannot remain silent about all the efforts and dedication of those who worked over the last week to repair the sections of road damaged during the event. On behalf of the entire community, I can only thank you!

It goes without saying that many citizens in our territory responded to the call of our community in difficulty and left the comfort of their homes to provide assistance to people in need. Therefore, the following list is certainly incomplete. Whether or not your name is on this list, if you have been of any assistance during this situation, you deserve our gratitude and appreciation!


To Steve Deschenes and Neil Swail for their crisis management skills and assistance during this exceptional event, as well as Brendan Easterbrook, Jean-François Desfossés, Paul Knerr, Cameron MacMillan, Ian MacMillan, Ben Paradis, Hunter Rodger, Jonathan Roger and Aaron Spicer. Your dedicated service is highly appreciated.

We would also like to thank our contractors who came to our aid. Thanks to Gilbert Miller & Sons, Excavation Heatlie and Inter-Chantiers.




Your Mayor,
Gabrielle Parr